Why do we fast during Navratri

Navratri is a time for us to unwind, look inward, and refuel ourselves with new energy. It is also a time that is rich in colours, tradition, songs, and dance. During Navratri, fasting facilitates the inner path towards bliss and joy. It brings forth consciousness and delight and lessens mental agitation.

Fasting's dynamics

We fast to purify our bodies rather than to appease the Divine. Sri Gurudev Ravi Shankar

Fasting is said to restart the digestive fire by Ayurveda. The poisons in the body are burned by an increase in the digestive fire. The body loses its dullness and sluggishness as the poisons are pushed out of it. The body's cells have all undergone renewal. Therefore, fasting is a powerful medicine to purify our bodies. Due to the close relationship between the body and mind, when the body is cleansed, the mind also becomes calmer and more serene.

Fasting aids in stress relief and immunity strengthening as it rekindles the digestive fire.

Most of us typically eat before we are actually hungry. Our bodies use hunger as a signal that they are ready to digest food. Eating before you are truly hungry impairs the digestive system, which then results in stress and weakened immunity. Fasting aids in immunity strengthening and stress reduction since it rekindles the digestive fire.

With Navratri fasts, dive into more in-depth meditation.

The festival of Navratri is a time to reflect, spend time alone, and establish a spiritual connection. Fasting reduces the mind's agitation, making it simpler for it to focus within and practise meditation. To maintain your energy levels, make sure you consume enough fresh fruit and other sattvic foods.

Take advantage of a sattva bloom.
Fasting and meditation together enhance sattva, our innate capacity for calmness and goodness. Our minds become calmer and more awake as sattva levels rise. As a result, the effectiveness of our intentions and prayers increases. Additionally, a sattva bloom makes the body feel light and energising. We improve our productivity. As a result, our desires come true and we can simply complete our tasks.

“Why fasting is combined with prayer all over the world and in all religions, is because when you are fasting, you are detoxified, and your prayer becomes authentic and deep.”
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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